About Us
About Delton Walker
Walker Law Office was established in 1970 and passed from father to son in 2008.
Delton Walker continues the family tradition of a law practice that meets all your needs or helps you find someone else who can take care of your needs. Delton Walker was elected Washington County Prosecutor in 2009. The Prosecutor position is part time allowing Mr. Walker to continue his private law practice as a family and community tradition of excellence.
Walker specializes in estate planning, business law, and personal injury for his private practice. He also conducts periodic workshops throughout the year to inform both current and future clients.
In his free time, Walker loves spending time with his growing family. He enjoys being in the outdoors, coaching his sons in sports, and making music with his wife and kids. He was born and raised in Weiser, Idaho.
Make Walker Law Office your official family or business law firm. We won’t charge you every time you walk in the door or call for a bit of advise. Consider making a quick call or drop in to ask a quick question (even if it’s just coming to get a free piece of candy from the counter top of your local business). When you really need legal help, we will make it as affordable as possible.
Give us a call the next time you have a legal question. We will do our best to simplify your legal life.
Our Mission Statement
“We strive to simplify your legal life by meeting all your needs at an affordable price.”